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Ruud Gullit

The most powerful theme on earth
FUE CT restore treatment + afro hair

Ruud Gullit, ex-professional soccerplayer

Former professional footballer Ruud Gullit, AKA The Black Tulip. Who doesn’t know him? He achieved great successes with top clubs such as Feyenoord, PSV, AC Milan, and Chelsea and won the final of the European Championship with the Dutch national team in 1988, was named both European and World Footballer of the Year, and remained active even after his football career, first as trainer and later and still today as football analyst on TV. Mention his name anywhere in the world and everyone immediately knows who he is talking about.

The process

In the years when Ruud Gullit still played as a star footballer at clubs like PSV and A.C. Milan, everyone of course recognised him immediately by his beautiful dreadlocks. But unfortunately, Ruud did not escape the fate that befalls many men either: as he grew older, he became increasingly bald.

In an attempt to do something about it, Ruud decided several years ago to undergo a hair transplant at a Dutch institute, but he was not at all satisfied with the result he got there. With that experience in the back of his mind, Ruud had already somewhat resigned himself to the fact that he was going bald, until one day he saw the results that Amsterdam Hair Institute had achieved with Dutch celebrities like Lange Frans and Najib Amhali. He immediately made an appointment for a consultation, and was so impressed by the professionalism and expertise of the hair transplant experts he spoke to that he immediately decided to be treated with Amsterdam Hair Institute’s revolutionary FUE CT technique.

‘I had been treated before, at another institute, with regular FUE. But that became thin again.’

Ruud Gullit

Before the treatment

As Ruud Gullit had previously undergone an unsuccessful hair transplant, he qualified for an FUE CT restoration surgery at Amsterdam Hair Institute. When performing this type of surgery, all the knowledge and experience that Amsterdam Hair Institute as a sister company of Hairworld Istanbul has gained in its existence come together: 17 years of experience in the field of the most advanced hair transplantation techniques, 8 years of experience in the field of professional aftercare and 7 years of experience in performing recovery operations, treating over 3,000 patients who had previously undergone one or more hair transplants without achieving the desired result.

As a result of all these restorative surgeries, we developed no less than 30 different, unique protocols, each of which offers a proven, sure-fire solution to all the problems we have encountered over time, such as scalp problems, weak donor hairs, scalp blood circulation problems, depleted donor area and a wide variety of other health problems. So that now, regardless of our client’s situation, we are able to use the right protocol to perform a treatment perfectly tailored to it, customized and accurate.

In the case of Ruud Gullit, it was decided to have him undergo an FUE CT Stem Cell treatment as part of the FUE CT restoration surgery. The aim was to bring the scalp, hair roots and blood circulation into perfect condition so that Ruud would be assured of the most ideal starting point for carrying out a maximally successful hair transplant.

‘All those men watching this…. Just do it!’

Ruud Gullit

His interview on Dutch national TV (RTL4)

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